Wind Makes Fire Dance

When I missed work last week b/c my period, my very thoughtful office mate asked when I came back if I was feeling better and if the culprit had been a migraine. “Nope,” I said. “Lady problems.” He laughed and said “Say no more” and then proceeded to tell me what he’d heard about this Italian law. I was like, “I can

My dad is literally the son of Irish immigrants who were discriminated against horribly when they arrived here.

Those diagnosed on the autistic spectrum are actually deeply affected by others feelings, but expression of the empathetic response is hindered by the intellectual/developmental disorder. They also have a poor time understand what other people are thinking - but they do understand other peoples feelings.

Makes one wonder what percentage of donations go to actual research/help/etc....

Thanks for saying that about Autism Speaks. the way people view autism is really skewed to how it actually is, and organizations like autism speaks take away attention to actual autistic people’s opinions by centering the narratives around caregivers and parents of autistic people.

Yeah, that was the phrase I was going to comment on.

Before I’m swarmed with replies that mention this, I would like to admit that I made an error and forgot that STiD did, in fact, whitewash a character. Namely, they had Khan, a character that’s supposed to be Indian, be played by a white actor. I cannot edit my original comment to make this correction so this will

The world needs more Jerry Orbach gifs. You’re doing the lord’s work.

whoa. As an aside - regarding the other Unico movie, I remember also being so dissappointed with Katie the Cat’s decision to become human. Seriously, if one is already a cat, the only step up would be to become a unicorn. Which coincides with another comment I made on this post about how the Harpie and Red Bull were

When I heard about the defunding along with the FCC ending a program that subsidizes broadband internet that schools and the poor rely on I legit almost cried. Both reasoned that it should be left up to the states which is utter bullshit. There’s a reason these were federal programs and regulations.

Totally!!! Nightmare fuel. And if I’m remembering this right, wasn’t there a part where he was begging Unico to be his friend (trying to trick Unico) or maybe Unico was trying to get him to be her friend (more likely) but it was extra creepy? Ugh those eyes and that voice and good lord, how was this for kids??

Here’s the big breaking news!

I mean I feel like a BOP movie would need to be Oracle Babs w/ Black Canary and Huntress. The Gail Simone team is the team that signifies BOP to me.

yep, I had a Unico eraser set. The creator of Unico also created Astroboy - I went to his museum in Japan about a decade ago and the only Unico merchandise to buy was a make up bag which I still use on all my trips. For all that everyone was scared of the Harpy or the Red Bull in the Last Unicorn, the monster wizard

I love anime and I never heard of Unico, google said it is made by the man who wrote Astro Boy, how did I miss that? Thanks for showing me this.

Haha! Finally, someone else that’s heard of Unico!

So it’s not about Trump?


Now playing

When I was little I used to love this movie, still do:

I got a sneak peak at the investigation form the Arkansas GOP recommends doctors use to comply with this law: