I don’t have a fidget spinner, but I do have a number of products from Stimtastic. They’re a phenomenal company that is working towards normalizing stimming/fidgeting and tests their products with actual autistics.
I don’t have a fidget spinner, but I do have a number of products from Stimtastic. They’re a phenomenal company that is working towards normalizing stimming/fidgeting and tests their products with actual autistics.
I can definitely see this as being beneficial to autistics and other people who stim visually. A lot of us stim either by light or motion, and this app may create a soothing repetitive pattern that would fulfill that need without being as flagrantly distracting as actual spinners. There’s probably no kinetic feedback,…
I know that I have similar problems. I’m hyperaware that my words and actions can have negative impact on people, and it frequently leads to me either failing to interact with them or choosing to be overly cautious or obsequious.
Say you’re a privileged male, but you’re a dark Sicilian? Say you’re a poor queer woman, but you’re white as milk? How would you get any two people to agree where you should be placed on this matrix?
Lorre has repeatedly stated that Sheldon is not autistic. I’d feel more comfortable with this show and its predecessor if it were clear and there was deliberate acceptance for him being autistic, but there’s not. The humor ends up being a terrible mockery of the “worst” well-known traits associated with autism that…
I don’t know who he is, but he is refreshingly emotive and I find that very appealing. To the interwebs!
I want to clarify that I was speaking about people who lack emotional empathy and not cognitive (which I specifically lack), but I’m also afraid of sounding like I condone your conclusion!
Story time!
I think that I should feel awful for laughing at this. Please take your ★.
Fascinating, and thank you! My personal research tends to focus predominately on topics that interest me, but I’m very aware that there’s likely a lot of fascinating information available that I would never consider to look up.
I am not surprised, but what the ever living fuck?
I have read no studies that came to these conclusions, but I would be very interested if you knew of any!
Looking at Getty Images, it looks like the woman was a part of multiple photos captured at the same time. I’m guessing that she consented.
Fun reminder that studies have found that the people who identify as Republican are likely to have less emotional empathy (the ability to sympathize with others) than their liberal counterpart. The belief is that the policies of that party appeal to them rather than the party dictating their lack of empathy.
I wonder if he’s being politically astute by refusing to comment. Or thinking that he is.
I keep singing, “Everything is awful.” Because it is.
In Symmetra: A Better World, there’s a passage where she says:
I absolutely thought that this was real until I realized that you were referring to 45's speech at the USCGA. Take your ★!
There’s a common concern that I’ve noticed in the queer community, and it’s the fear that women are objectifying other women by being attracted to them. It’s almost as the recognition that much of the media that we consume and the aesthetics that we see are dominated by the male gaze also makes us fear that we’re…