Deanmon knows Cain

I believe Season 3 or 4. Want to say the episode where they meet Chuck.

I do believe that it boils down to this: The only way to quit smoking is to stop putting cigarettes in your mouth and lighting up. That's like my opinion though.



really that is gross what sicko would come up with this

(From the director Quentin Tarantino)

"In a world where men are getting kicked in the dick.."

That's racist. Not all Asian dudes have petit penises. PornHub told me so.


i have found the perfect nonfuck use for this! this would be the ultimate cash stash away bank. you could fill it with hundred dollar bills and live at ease knowing no robber would ever dig in your vajankle looking for valuables. think about it.

I've heard of that condition. Vagina foot disease...

Fuck this foot.

Is there a vagina on your foot or a foot in your vagina?

I bet you can put a nice stiletto on it and it really brings up the quality and feel of it.

If you walk around with that on like a sock, you'll really get your foot in the door."

So now, if you are

I used to write down all my passwords...until I realized they were all the same... ********

Don't use words, in any language, ever.