Deanmon knows Cain

no it does not it looks like a woman's foot

Oh that's right it is where they are reading about themselves and dean learns about the ship between Sam and dean or dean and castiel

I have to ask what season is that from I forgot I am a huge fan of the show as you can tell my username

your very welcome


I was not trying to be rude

like your video

that's a good idea

really they are so dumb

wow that is pretty cool but it will invade somebody's privacy

I got to say something else

really that is gross what sicko would come up with this

I don't like how they got rid of bobby

man I never they did that to our childhood classics that is wrong

that is an awesome way to open your box

I thought of selling my walking dead comic but I never know where to take them

oh those quotes are terrible pick up lines

I have Netflix and it is a nice place to go watch shows

also I'm so glad you did it

not everybody can do that and that is a harsh way to do that because my doctor said if I ever smoked then quit immediately "cold turkey " it will make me want another cigarette