Deanmon knows Cain

thank god I don't smoke

finally they made something for the fans I am fan of black widow

me too but I hope it is going to be like dean is riding the impala and then sees a guy on a motorcycle and trades him and he rides in the sunset on motorcycle because he does not need the impala anymore because him and Sam go their different ways

what is this

I think she pulls it off though

they are awesome actors so quit

metatron is a douchebag and needs to be killed off

I agree

she is going to be back but she is such a badass

thanks for the recomend of my post

me too

randy I believe he was just using Claire and she felled for it but claire still loves cas but doesn't really show it that well Rowena is a bitch but she is funny though

me too

at least Jim beaver had a choice

do you think dean is going to die again or do you think he is going stay alive also do you think he is going to get rid of the mark or is it going to stay

Do you really think bobby is God

I believe Claire is annoying but Rowena is not

I agree with that 100%

yes I agree they need a new character like an angel or a demon but they said bobby was coming back and I think Meg is somehow coming back

no she was not but cas was supposed to be a demon but they changed it when they heard his voice and it sounded like an angel would sound