The W!N Center of Hard Truth & Good Humor

So start again. A little inconvenience for a few years is worth a bright future!

If someone doesn’t care about it enough to get it registered, why would they give a fuck if you smashed it? And how does wrecking a dozen fully operational vehicles that’d probably get a couple of hundred dollars apiece at auction help the taxpayers?

Cool story, bro... Statistics or it didn’t happen!

Since 2002? That's pretty good, actually

You can dislike with something without insulting it or the people who like it. I don't know if you knew that, but it's true

You must be fun at parties...

The French ARE dicks, they don't have to BE dicks

Bob, you really need to find another car blog if this one makes you that mad-and as an editor, you’re wasting valuable time just proofreading everything for free

How have I seen four? In Cleveland, no less?!

Cool, that doesn’t qualify you to finagle with a billion dollar space periscope...  

They’re not even his accomplishments! That was people the companies hired, this is like saying Disney invented the Lightsaber because they bought Lucas Arts.

Goodness? Debatable.

It do be like that sometimes

But you trust car salesmen?!

I feel like there’s ways to solve this without restricting commerce, but I’m not a city comptroller so...

I’m not Roma or even nomadic, but I did read some Lovecraft and calling them Travelers immediately sent up the HUGE RED FLAG for me.

This wasn’t an OEM photo shoot, though. This is the author taking pictures of the details he thought were cool, if that’s not good enough for you there’s plenty of press releases full of carefully selected pictures of the entire bike, they’re just one search away...

I’m of two minds about this.

At this point most of the baggage is people complaining about the baggage, honestly

Damn, my best comment ever and I'm not even on that account anymore...