maybe for about 5 minutes, until the smartest person there suddenly blurts out, "shit what if he starts making documentaries?"
maybe for about 5 minutes, until the smartest person there suddenly blurts out, "shit what if he starts making documentaries?"
are you -38 years old?
Adults (26-64): 7-9 hours each day.
Lassana Bathily, the Mali-born grocery clerk who saved 15 people and aided police during a hostage stand-off at a kosher market in Paris, has been awarded French citizenship! Well deserved after such fine acts of heroism.
That sounds like a good way to help combat the epidemic of malnutrition going on in the U.S.
But our artisans* hand craft and oversee every detail** of your new spoonula*** in their rustic, crafters cottage.****
This should be titled "Mariah Carey shreds"
I much preferred when the Airing of Grievances was limited to once a year.
A grown woman picking on children is about as classy as going to Buckingham Palace and asking Queen Elizabeth to pull your finger.
I don't know what "wet work" means but it sounds like a hit. No, as much as I hate her, I don't want her dead. My kids have a close relationship with her. She is wonderful to them. I can take the abuse, but it sure does hurt. When you come after my sister though, that's when I see red. Prepare for impact.
One question: don't you need to be Force-sensitive to wield a lightsaber? Of course, a man of Batman's means could just buy a transfusion of midichlorians or something, if some convenient plot point doesn't already make him a latent Force wielder.
No, I think it's "Schwanzstucker."
I think the word is Schweinsteiger.
I enjoyed this article.
Ok, I think I have a unique perspective on what's going on here...