Will Travis

Having attempted to boss these people around for 18 months, I can assure you they will never listen to anyone.

Now that you have soulless corporate overlords, how soon until Deadspin starts to stick to sports, hump the flag, and cater to the brands? I have legit angst about this.

With your EIC leaving and your new overlords being douches, is the end of Deadspin approaching? Follow up, as somebody who knows nothing about the business of online journalism: Can your team just pack up shop and take the product to your own site, and hope the readers follow? You could call it NotDeadspin.com, or

Within the reddit were plenty of legit complaints about the fact that it’s unfair for a skin to cost 18 bucks, that you can’t buy eighteen dollars worth of in-game money, you’d have to pay even more to get a twenty dollar pack, that you could buy other games for twenty bucks that are quite good instead of a simple

Ruth and Sam’s kiss was definitely not supposed to be seen as romantic or good. It’s Sam so excited that Ruth is finally into him, and Ruth so desperate and happy to be going in a new direction. That paired with their first kiss being messily making out in the middle of a bar sets it all up for disaster.

I liked it too. As much as this is the story of the Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling, it’s also the story of Sam Silvia, washed up film director, and this journey with Justine is part of his narrative. This is his shot, not to be a big time filmmaker (which he seems to know is not on the cards for him), but to bring

I’ll be in the minority, but I actually liked the Sam/Justine stuff as it in a lot of ways felt like a logical contiuation of Sam’s story. As he begins to struggle with his mortality, he is able to see his daughter become something better he ever was. The way he handled the heart attack was actually for me one of the

It was intentional.

Come on.

According to baseball’s unwritten rules, Urias and the ball are now married and the Orioles must be immediately relegated to the English Football League

i was more concerned about the aggressive balls to the lips move 

Non-consensual kissing is not okay. That fact that the ball wants to give him a little kiss doesn’t give it the right to do that. I think the batter’s body language demonstrated his reluctance clearly enough that the ball should have known it was unwelcome, even if he didn’t explicitly say “No”. Best to use a standard

Good point. I should just be happy they didn’t fight for it hobo-style. 

Reporters being too busy stuffing their face with frosting and not giving us the full Mary Berry on cake quality is a perfect metaphor for something or other. 

All of those reporters and not one mention of whether or not it was even a good cake. 

According to baseball’s unwritten rules, Bauer now has to throw at himself in his next appearance

And there it is. Shut down the comments section on this one. There’s nothing left to be said here.

Even Justin Tucker is surprised by his scrambling prowess in Madden.

Of course it’s fine to critique Bernie and the points you bring up are important, but I always remain skeptical about the critic’s intentions when they go to such great lengths to break apart Bernie’s record while turning a blind eye towards certain elephants in the room like the other candidates’ presiding over mass