
The school counselor is likely a part of the teacher’s union and her employment would not be at-will.  I’d bet her union is already challenging the termination as an unfair labor practice. 

Awful but lawful. Can you imagine if that was your brother and are finding out about this with everyone else and then that it all anyone thinks about when they think of you? Then your job fires you? I think they deserve compassion and not ostracization. 

“at-will” means you can be fired for any LEGAL reason. You still have legal recourse if you suspect some manner of discrimination and have a lawyer willing to take the case.

Who is giving their employer’s legal advice? This is a massive lawsuit waiting to happen. His family have nothing to do with the murders. He has not even been tried yet, let alone convicted. 

So you watched Bojack too.

Before this, then Governor of California Ronald Reagan was all up on gun carrying. He was quoted about ‘good guys with guns keeping their neighborhoods secure’ and was all rah rah about strapping on a holster.

Tucker already had a segment last week because he noticed there’s a new subculture among Gen Z queer people about owning guns to protect or do battle against Theocrats

It does feel like we have things backwards. It seems like POCs, LGBTQ, Jewish people, muslims, children, liberals etc should be the gun nuts, because they’re the vulnerable groups who keep getting targeted.

Kinda aready happened, and yup, Republicans were super horny for gun control when Black folks armed themselves:

And even the things celebrities say about their specific talent should be taken with a grain of salt. Actors, athletes, musicians, etc. who make it big usually have an insane amount of inborn talent, a lucky break or ten, and very little they can teach you about how to get that life. 

What needs to happen is the staff here need to finally do something about the fucking trolls. They don’t drive engagement, they drive it off.

What needs to happen is the staff here need to finally do something about the fucking trolls. They don’t drive engagement, they drive it off.

By the way, one of the baffling aspects of the situation is how McCarthy himself is handling things. It’s not just that they keep having these votes where he keeps losing, and somehow he actually had less support in the latest votes which is just insane. Okay, that you could technically argue is because of the rebel

Not gonna lie...sometimes I miss the simple happy-to-be-a-token idiocies of Herman Cain and Ben Carson. Simpler times.

But really, why on earth would Republicans want to remember anything about the Southern Strategy? If your party turned from the party of Lincoln and Douglass to the party of Herbert Q. Klanwizard in the blink of a single election cycle, you’d pretend ignorance too. $20 says this moron tells people the GOP swelled its

No one:

Blatantly disinterested in governing.”

I can see why you wouldn’t want to police his “identities”.

Whatever, just don’t fuck cops, narc.

Yeah, cheers to the action of the billboard but, I couldn’t stop thinking the entire read that she did date this dude. So...