
Hopefully this works out as expected. But, it is interesting that Jezebel is cheering a compromise (bad word around these parts).  This deal in utilitarian terms is probably a bad deal for the US and the world overall. Weirdly y’all have no notes on this compromise. 

Hit dogs will holler. Media do report stories simply by quoting the person who stated the claim. This is literally all they do when it is the police. Why should a doctor be different? All that should have been reported is “doctor claims xyz, we await more details. A responsible journalist waits for corroboration instea

No. This is about an elitist journalistic class, typically white dude bros, who instinctively dismiss real life concerns as hysterical. The fact is that this poor girl’s story occurs routinely in countries/regions around the world where abortions are banned, why should Ohio be different as a state that bans abortion?

Y’all love to invent offense where there is none. Johnson has started numerous affairs and impregnated at least 5 different women while married (that we know of). It’s not the multiple kids that matter. It’s the constant demonstration of untrustworthiness, poor impulse control, lack of respect for any institution,

He has not. All reputable reports are careful to make the distinction. Resigning as PM requires going to a 96 year old monarch which he has not done. Another ridiculous feature of a “longstanding democracy”.

He has not resigned as PM, because he still thinks he can override this. His conniving mind is hoping to ride out the chaos then use another crisis as an excuse not to leave after all. Populism breeds despotism. If Trump and Johnson were in less stable democracies, best believe they would cling to power by any means

Agreed. Allowing the second hand story that he lunged at the steering wheel into the record was an unforced error. Democrats seem to think if only we can shock republicans, maybe the GOP will hold Trump accountable. But nothing will convince the right. The right have been looking for any excuse to help them declare

Exhibit A of the fact that is no liberal media bias or liberal bias of any kind in this country. Can you imagine any prominent liberal figure taking this stance? They know they will get buried even by their base, so every support of any kind of protest is always preceded by non-violence.

If you can, donate to abortion funds here - https://abortionfunds.org/funds/

Yup. For a party who claims to be family friendly, republicans are very short sighted about what forcing reproduction to become corporatized will do to families. It suits corporations quite well to have women/birthing persons completely dependent on them for abortion, adoption, egg/sperm banking, parental leave etc.

She has not, she has simply repositioned herself from splashy national issues to smaller local impact. She was met with vigorously negative press from the outset. A predictable right wing tactic that the left seem wholly unprepared for or unwilling to push back against. She was on the international stage for the Ukrain

It’s very weird to see Jezebel rewrite it’s attitude to the 2016 elections. Most of the writers have left now, but this site was decidedly anti Hillary Clinton.

Begging y’all to release this hold astrology has on your minds. It’s the quickest way to announce you have two brain cells left.

The post is specifically about her name change. The former name to current name change is factual reporting and entirely relevant to the whole point of the article. It is mentioned exactly once, appropriately designated “née” and the writer proceeds to use Vivian thereafter. Name changes are a matter of public record

Agreed. But. The strong black girl culture is a maladaptive trope. The elders know ain’t nobody coming to rescue black girl blue. One only has to look at the whitewashing of mental health disorders, neuroatypicals, eating disorders, drug addiction, body acceptance etc to understand that having feelings is a privilege. 

Imagine refusing to grant your own child some dignity to own the libs. Dude will rather earn the praise of online chuds than a relationship with his own child.

Man: I do not own this woman.

We have learned over and over again that body language means nothing. Body language relies on bias and prejudice. The crying, staring etc that the juror objected to can equally be read as a woman desperately trying to get the jury to believe her abuse. Depp’s manner can also be read as non-chalance to cover up guilt.

She’s a former cult member. Of course she is a loon who truly believed QAnon lies and the election lie. But I don’t think intent is that black or white. She can truly believe the election was rigged. But, the key is did she intend to change the results of an election that was factually not rigged ? All readings of her

Democrats need to buckle up and refuse to fold to the bad faith attempts to blame them by republicans. It would be helpful if the media asked McConnell what he personally has done to ensure unstable persons or persons with malicious intent cannot get a gun to go attack a Supreme Court judge but they won’t. Democrats