
then you're an imbecile because those sound like sound bites and out of context statements. look at their records and tell me who is more consistently in favor of women's rights and the poor.

where is the proof to any of this? he has a d- with NRA, he’s released his taxes/income to the public, and what MRA crap? what are you even talking about?

he literally looks like he has downs syndrome

That reminds me, I gotta play mass effect again

everyone already knew they were ridiculous. the last major act in the last year of his two terms starting from the middle isn’t going to change anything. they hated him from the beginning and they’ll hate him forever. so why play politics to begin with? just elect the absolute best progressive option and then have the

He's not liberal enough

where do these judges fall on the political spectrum? I take it they're not uber progressive......

dow is also the moron who took way too much pot for ne person, freaked out for a day and then wrote an article talking shit about legalizing it. so I don't really take her seriously to begin with

Rob Bricken from io9.com used to read and analyze incredibly bad fan fiction in the most comedic and normal way possible. break it down stanza by stanza. obviously different when dealing with a novel, but still. In no way am I saying you’re stealing the premise. in fact you should adopt the model and have a monthly

I just want to play kotor 2 now!

who even cares enough to not care about these two? no one. that's who doesn't.

Memorable set prices and music

Looks more like a badass Paul Newman

I just hated that we never got to see the thing they pulled up from the water. We just showed up, blew shit up, then made a break for it

You don't WANT to go to SMU?!

his spiderman work was my absolute favorite version

all of these make me feel uneasy

where’s turles?

These are so awkward

no its about giant chicken eugenics and walking across the world with your friends absorbed into you.