and Altiar is obi-wan! maybe.....i don't know. Conner is Luke!!! and the black guy is Yoda!
and Altiar is obi-wan! maybe.....i don't know. Conner is Luke!!! and the black guy is Yoda!
Sounds like an asshole. or steve martin in The Jerk
it would probably break the internet for real
They need to do a southern version. Maybe set in Texas cause it offers every type of terrain and weather.
i want to see the story of a prostitute build her own empire of assassins/ladies of the night. set it in victoria london and have them battle the templar nutjob known as jack the ripper.
gotta say, this is a lot of eh.
seems like a perfect fit for the gameplay. lots of dialogue, decision making, minimal action.
I've been saying forever that Texas should be the location for either fallout or gta. It's huge and would be a perfect setting.
too bad it's from a crappy movie
maybe if the game was more rewarding, literally, then players wouldn't feel the need to cut a few corners. this is your fault bungie! ease up and listen to the player's complaints
c'mon, it wouldn't be final fantasy if you didn't get to have a big party of characters to choose from.
13 was the epitome of awful anime troupes in a game. all style, no substance.
umm, what about 4, 5, 7, 8, 10?
i hope the car doesn't replace an airship. like in most ff games, maybe they'll get a ship later on and you can revisit earlier spots. i just want a world to explore in for at least 200 hours like Skyrim. maybe not as open-worldy but have scripted events, random events, treasure hunting, bounty hunting, item…
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
i just want it for PS3
it was going to be torros but everybody thought it wasn't texan enough.
It had me until the variety show aspect
exactly. why not make it an rpg like final fantasy 7? or a third-person fighter like devil may cry? hell even a fun side-scroller
or maybe trunks goes back in time to alter the timeline by adding you in it.