take your damn star, you magnificent Chupacabra Conspiracy ba$tard...
take your damn star, you magnificent Chupacabra Conspiracy ba$tard...
I know what you are saying, but the House Dem’s legs got cut out from under him when Schumer didn’t whip his caucus to stop the lighter bill.
Chupacabra is number 10?!?!
I’d have to check, but didn’t AOC already start a group to primary Moderates with progressive candidates?
maybe she just wanted to get the children food as soon as possible.
Snark aside...
well OBVIOUSLY not just a Speedo!
Thank you!
Randomly generated passwords are nigh impossible for us mere mortals (with a taste for a fine gin martini) to remember.
Look at you, Logicking away this poor person’s pain!
One question, but it’s kind of a multi-parter:
he wasn’t arguing for state sanctioned segregation.
Ignore the haters!
good times, amiright?
I dunno... money for food, blankets, medical supplies...