Willow Anne

Permission to name my band “Cletus Safari”

I am afraid that is the last straw!

Before the Riots begin... can we not ask... Is this the sort of Car Culture we want? Where we tear each other apart instead of lashing out at the real enemy: the 2013 Toyota Camry (un)Limited Beige Edition....

I blame Millenials for a LOT of things: Changing Instagram Trends, Post Malone, Stealing my paper off my lawn while I’m yelling at a passing cloud....

It’s ok to Love your Deere... just don’t “LOVE” your Deere...

My lawsuit against the So-Called “Never Ending Story” is still pending....

Are you sure you’re Mentos-ing correctly?

wouldn’t you need a stiff tequila or 5 in the morning before going into that cesspit of a white house to sell your soul?

sorry, is that different from normal?  That’s why I love Jalopnik....

Of course cars do, Kristen!

Not going to argue only because it says Pedant right there in your name...

You wish...

We have been?

Gen X’er here...

He did stab his love through the heart, quenching his blade in her heart blood, saving the world.

Seriously though...

You are so sweet!

I HOPE so!

Well, Obama certainly ignored the petition to build the DeathStar...

HIS culture, maybe....