Willow Anne

That’s mean!

The lack of decorum is shocking!

I believe that the Evangelicals amongst us would say it’s his Stigmata...

Just because they are stuck in low wage exploitative jobs crushed under the weight of outrageous student loans doesn’t mean that these DAMNED KIDS can’t stop listening to their Hippity-Hop Music, Pull their Dungarees up over their a$$, and start sourly drinking themselves to oblivion like us oldsters had to do!

I like the cut of your jib, Sir!

Sorry, maybe not History’s Greatest Monster, but I would vote for you as the Empress of Unpleasant Poetic Imagery....

You MADE me picture Donald Trump naked and with clumpy hair...

I for one am glad that Facebook is taking time away from fighting political bot-nets spreading misinformation to STOP plastic nude baby menacing!

+1 Funny Girl...

If my state didn’t still have stupid bible-based marriage laws I would marry this story and bear its children*

I have both...

Why didn’t someone tell me about this awesome occasion before...

I was going to make a pithy reply....

You’re right.

“I can still hear the Zombies Mooing, then the explosion”


Myth pro-tip... exploding zombies can hide in a lake, then emerge and blow up your poor knights.

I hate to sound selfish but...

In my mind’s eye I was picturing a gorgeous spring day when we went camping on the desert floor at the foot of the Big Bend Mountain...

One thing that gets brought up sometimes is the ecological impact of the wall... (with good reason!)