
I've always wanted one of these fighter pilot helmets.

You should do a side-by-side comparison of the blaster rifles as well!

And once again, I can't believe I'm saying this, but yeah, I can get behind Pat on that point.

I'm not going to attempt a blanket defense of US foreign policy, because I'm certainly not universally supportive myself. However, you seem to be implying that, if the USA (or some equivalent superpower) didn't exist, the world would somehow be a much better place. That seems rather hopelessly naive...

The US military believe it or not does a ton of humanitarian work too, the navy in particular since they have floating airports and hospitals... Routinely provide food, water, medical care, search and rescue operations for disaster relief.

If "brown people" would stop being such fucking d bags we would'nt have to provide them with late life abortions for being stupid.

Somebody's gotta do it, they ain't gonna bomb themselves. Wait.. actually...

You know who else blows up brown people? Brown People.

The bullshit gets so old. Yeah it is all racism always, everywhere, all the time. America is the great Satan, I get it.

Someone should call Kenny Loggins because they're in the DANGER ZONE.

Huh? Are you really asking me if I know the S-3 has twin turbofans? How does the C-2 factor into this convo thread?

That's a great idea — I should get some experts in on this.

In the Dallas area there is literally every kind of food and entertainment you could ever want. Ethiopian, Tex-Mex, Iranian, French, Italian, whatever. It's there.

The new DCS based Flaming Cliffs 3 is great, runs buttery smooth on my desktop

I've had this book since Junior High. Still a favorite!

A top-of-the-range American pickup truck is a better luxury car than a luxury car.

I don't find the Alfa Romeo 4C particularly attractive, but at least the US models got better headlights!

My favorite coffee table book of all time.

So one of the biggest influences of my life was Topgun instructor and photographer C.J. Heatley. After buying his book of incredible Naval Aviation photography when I was a kid -way back in 1986- I vowed to be either a photographer or a Navy pilot or both if I could! My lack of 20/20 vision dashed the pilot dream but

you shut your mouth