Ugh, boo.
Ugh, boo.
wtf is wrong with you? He’s just a guy, and it’s just fiction.
Certainly these men have nothing on a towering intellect such as yourself!
Are you new to the gawker network? that is basically their entire business model.
Bryan Menegus apparently is indeed as terrible as his name would indicate.
I hope you drown in a swimming pool of AIDS and cancer cells.
None of us would even know the pictures existed if it weren’t for you, shit-for-brains.
Meh, Emma Watson sucks anyway.
this article is far worse than infowars. At least infowars has a point.
Yeah, but it does seem to fall into that “let it happen” category.
Alex Jones is 50 percent accurate, 25 percent absurd hyperbole, 25 percent fiction, and 100 percent hilarious and awesome.
Well, in defense of that wholeHillary being an evil demonic monster thing.... she really is a gigantic, decrepit piece of shit.
Have you seen Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Michelle Obama, Barack Obama, and Dubya?
Perhaps. But I’m handsome and dapper, and I do quite well financially.
Perhaps. But I’m handsome and dapper, and I do quite well financially.
Oh, come on. Would you be saying the same thing if a parent didn’t want their kid watching gay/trans humor on the net?
That’s not long game. That’s actual politics and real life. It is the sort of thing literally everyone who cares about their community should do.
So he didn’t steal. He just sold drugs there.
So did Michael Brown either steal from, or sell drugs at, the store in the video?
True. I’m very much a fashion bigot. LOOK LIKE AN EMPLOYABLE ADULT! WEAR ADULT CLOTHES!
True. I’m very much a fashion bigot. LOOK LIKE AN EMPLOYABLE ADULT! WEAR ADULT CLOTHES!
I wear running shoes when I run.
I wear running shoes when I run.