
They really need to address how they’re going to handle quitters. I generally like competitive mode since most people actually play for the objective, but when someone drops out in the middle of the match it really hurts the team.

Huh. I forgot Carrington was still alive. There’s that I guess.

That is the absolute worst shit. I've had trouble with quitters on my team and the other. Things need to be harsher for early quitters if there isn't one in place already.

I’ve seen the same thing. I started in the 40s and have since slipped into the low 30s. In that particular circle of hell, you will get very used to the phrase A MEMBER OF YOUR TEAM HAS LEFT THE MATCH.

Much better, but still haven’t fixed the biggest issue of all: Their policy on players leaving. Until they do *something* about it, I’m not bothering.

why do these people take so much pride in having the best mall food

No, you only tried a few of the top sandwich places. Had you tried the BEST sandwich place you would have realized that everywhere else is bad at making sandwiches. It is a complicated meal.

I submit that nobody has ever gotten a good cheesesteak anywhere.

Alex Rodriguez was the Oscar De La Hoya of baseball. They both were child prodigies in their sport. They both came from poor Latino neighborhoods, but came to be perceived as too business-focused, too pretty, too scripted, too inauthentic and too white to connect with their roots. They both reached amazing heights in

Fuck Jeter’s Gold Gloves.

By EVERY measurement Arod was a better fielder.


“That toughness comes in handy in a place like North Dakota. You see, up there, jamming your numb fingers against someone’s ice-cold helmet happens every practice. Getting decked on the cement-like dirt is just how a play ends.

From East Passyunk to Manayunk, from Port Richmond to Darby, from Chestnut Hill to South Philadelphia, we shall fight on.

Classic as always.

Was there ever an oral history done of the Jezebel/Deadspin staffer swap?

come to san francisco, I’ll show you a few more groups who do just fine and cant speak a word of english LOL

yea, its like, he was sitting there thinking as he typed it all up over and over, “hey you, yea guy, you! please, say what im thinking, please say it!!! SAY IT ALREADY!!!!”

you fail to see the difference between functional integration, and total assimilation...

but his character made him that six-tool guy

Man, what are you doin’ here?

>Dignity and grace will get you endorsements