
They’d better hope his son isn’t John.

Others may have said it, but I think Garth Ennis said it best...

“He couldn’t coherently answer any questions,” Schultz said.

*Wyoming Courtroom, Preliminary Hearing* 

As a Dunedin resident, I can tell you that it is an outstanding small city despite its geography. Waterfront, golf-cart friendly, arts friendly, and probably more breweries per square mile than any other city in the USA. I have zero desire to spend anytime in Tampa, but if I do, it’s at the airport which, also

Replace ‘Tampa’ with ‘Orlando’ and my situation is nearly identical! Yay for us!

I’m not a big NFL fan or anything, but IMHO, anyone who is old enough to have dodged the draft and can still be competitive at professional sports deserves at least some kind of respect.

Thank you for this.

I assume only people who have lived in Tampa call it the “Bay Area” because this is the first I’ve heard it referred to as such lol.

[5,000 Tomi Lahrens gather outside arena to listen to Brad Paisley earnestly sing the Nationwide jingle before a matchup with the Penguins]

Arter should be able to say whatever he wants without being penalized. Haven’t they heard of the First Amendement?

I will never get tired of watching him play, even if he swings at pitches five feet out of the zone.

Magic, of all people, should know that he wouldn’t be immune to these charges

Magic criticizing someone else’s television skills in an example of the pot calling the kettle something unintelligible followed by an awkward silence.

I also support replacing George Washington with Kanye.

Dashiell Robert Parr, you are an incredibly competitive boy. And a bit of a showoff. The last thing you need is temptation.

Pa Kent won’t like him showing off like that.

My vote is for “Loving Highway” after Mildred and Richard Loving of “Loving v. Virginia” fame. Also “loving highway” has a sort of poetical justice in replacing “that old asshole racist highway.”