God I fucking cringe every time I hear someone say that.
God I fucking cringe every time I hear someone say that.
It was the one grandfathered in celebration the NFL allowed when they cracked down. I just want it removed to see Packers fans lose their shit when it is. It makes no sense that they are still allowed to do it. If it was the Chargers or the Lions or something they would have done away with it years ago.
+1 just because I haven’t thought of the word Frottage in years.
You also forgot “jump into the stands, but only if you’re on one specific team. If you’re on any other team, it is a penalty.”
My cousins graduated from Plainfield North! I will follow this story with great anticipation!
Pictured: working class Orioles fan.
If you go by every Badgers fan I know (numbering in the 100s) they had to fight against every referee to ever ref a basketball game to win today. They also should have been a 2 or 3 seed. Wisconsin fans (in my small WI realm) will cease to exist if they can’t complain about every single call a ref ever makes against…
Let me guess, she is a former employee because the game shipped and the video game industry treats their contracted employees like indentured servants?
Yup. That guy. Also this piece of crap that made Aunt May Peter Parker’s actual mother. God his run was a disaster.
I got lucky that my only reporting job was in the entertainment industry so I didn’t have to deal with crap like that. I had three editors and all of them were amazing and still friends to this day despite the magazine I wrote for ceasing publication almost ten years ago.
He was EVP after the bankruptcy. He was responsible for expanding the Ultimate and MAX line. He tended to play the asshole who said outlandish shit then let EIC Joe Quesada step in and be the good guy. My magazine was frequently accused (not publicly) of giving more preferential treatment to D.C./Image/Dark Horse (not…
I don’t remember any specifics anymore tbh. My magazine always had a contentious relationship with Marvel during the Bill Jemas era. They never followed through on any threats, except to stop sending any review copies which only hurt them in the long run. This was just with Marvel higher ups. I have nothing but great…
Stories like this make me glad that in my short career as a journalist 15 years ago, I had amazing editors who had no problems getting their hands dirty and letting me do the same. It was fun having Marvel threaten to sue me and having an editor hop on the line and tell them to fuck off.
My mom has been delivering MoW every Saturday for the last 20 years. Honestly, until a few days ago, I had no idea it was even funded federally. She has made and lost so many friends doing this. Last night she went on a tirade about a special place in hell for whoever backs this. We live ten miles from Paul Ryan’s…
Thank you for putting it better than I ever could.
If there is a worse broadcaster in professional sports, I haven’t found him or her yet.
Princess Peach float jump FTW!
My problem with horse riding in this game: I spend was more time looking for a way to actually find paths the horse can take. I ended up pretty much abandoning my horse right away.
But family throws a monkey wrench in that. I have a family member who plays for a middling to OK D1 football team. Even 1,000 miles away from home, the family section is always packed. Especially since most schools teams have kids from all over the country. Or does that not count (honest question)?
You play in dirt, you get dirty.