I am going to my first Wake game in WS next year. Saw them at Indiana and Louisville this year. Really excited to see the place. Heard great things about it.
I am going to my first Wake game in WS next year. Saw them at Indiana and Louisville this year. Really excited to see the place. Heard great things about it.
And Wake was up 12-3 at half and 12-10 at the beginning of the 4th. They just melted down and Lamar Jackson went off at the end. It was a great game that the score doesn’t truly represent.
I was at the Lousiville game and as someone who has a family member who plays for Wake, this really pisses me off. Hope this guy never works in football again (likely). Wake has a stacked defense and Clawson has that program headed in the right direction. Hope it continues.
Your final sentence should be tattooed on this guy’s forehead so he never forgets it. Kudos.
Yeah it’s what I thought. You’re just a douchebag who thinks he’s strong and is some sort of alpha-male weirdo. You’re not even worth my time or the skin off my knuckles junior. I’ll stay over here with the rest of civilized society while you sit in your corner and whine about every person in the world who is not as…
Man definitely! Why waste dollars on helping all children? Only children who can learn or do everything all mainstream students can do should get an education in your America! Students with disabilities: fuck them. They are taking money from MY kids. Why be inclusive?
Keep going! I had never gotten into an MMO before that and it got its hooks in me hardcore a few years ago. I quit and recently got back into it. It is such a great game.
Welp I have to cram out two final papers and study for final exams but in between that I plan on beating the Elite Four in Pokémon Moon and continue my way back through FFXIV to get to the Heavensward content.
I’m 37 and I just assumed it only was a meme if it had a cat in it. These whippersnappers are wrong and need to go back to their journatarium and drink some nerve tonic!
I apologize, was not trying to sound like or be mysoginistic with my comment. If we’re splitting hairs though, as someone who works with children with intellectual disabilities please don’t use the word “retard.” It is not even a medical term anymore and it quite offensive.
Oh definitely not. It was an interesting piece on these three counties who are bringing back jobs but they are more along the lines of monitoring computers and fixing the robots that do the actual manufacturing. It was a very forward thinking approach that surprised me. But they also spent a lot of public money to get…
Saw a great piece on 60 minutes on Sunday about manufacturing jobs being brought in to Mississippi and how the local community colleges are now tailoring their curriculum specifically to train the residents for those jobs. This way when a company says they will build a new plant there the workforce is already pretty…
Kill it with fire!
She looks like an anthropomorphized bird and her policies are exactly what I would expect from the modern Republican Party, claim you are for American workers on one hand while you fuck them in the ass with a chainsaw dildo with the other.
First she must ask “how is babby formed?”
Holy shit! Baptizing a kid behind their parents back is fucking child abuse in my opinion. Are your in-laws John Lithgow from Footloose?
I saw when you talked about this a few weeks ago and I have to say that I am glad you are still keeping it up and proud of the stand you made! From what you said about your in-laws your daughter (who also seemed awesome as hell) will be better off without their toxic ways in her life.
“Saving the white race from extinction.”
I met Selig at Miller Park at an event before the stadium opened. He and Hank Aaron were there as guest speakers. Both were super nice, engaging, and thoughtful to a terrified 21 year old kid. That said, presiding over the steroid era (and turning a blind eye to it) and the disaster that the ASG became after 2002…
Hahaha thanks! I should have added to the list that I also quit drinking. Maybe one day I’ll meet a woman who is in to guys who like to take naps.