
My college friends and their now significant others all call me Nancy. It has been that way for almost 20 years now. It is one of those nicknames that I just don't even notice that 15% of the people I know call me that and no one else does. It creates weird situations when new friends or girlfriends end up around my

People look at me like I am an alien because I disavowed the Bears after the Ray McDonald bullshit signing. I just couldn't deal with that franchise anymore. I haven't had an NFL team since then and it actually made this past season somewhat enjoyable.

Yeah I don't miss living in Pinellas County (or FL in general). There some crazy people there. A few months ago I was stopped on 19 for two hours because some guy was threatening to jump off the overpass with his dog.

God I love me a Summer Shandy.

Yes prayer is sooooo culturally unaccepted nowadays.

It’s better he play there now rather than back in say, the Summer of ‘69 where it would have done them no good at all.

Yeah, I’m just being a troll here but fuck the Cardinals. I was damn proud to vote for them!

Where I lived in FL the only people I new who supported him were upper middle class bros who like his overt racism. I have a few friends of the family who are like this. They still live at home in their 20s and barely work. Despite never looking for full-time employment, they blame the Mexicans because they work part

That was my birthday. I remember it as the day no one gave a shit about my birthday.

“We need to be clear that there is no thing as giving up one’s privilege to be ‘outside’ the system. One is always in the system. The only question is whether one is part of the system in a way which challenges or strengthens the status quo. Privilege is not something I take and which I therefore have the option of

I was a Bears fan living in Tampa when the Bucs drafted Winston. Around that time was when the Bears signed Ray McDonald and I said fuck it, i’m done and bailed on them. All my friends who are Bucs fans kept trying to get me to be a Bucs fan. I decided to do a season without cheering for a specific team and even

My ex-wife and I always joked that if the Blackhawks and Lightning played each other in the Stanley Cup Finals we would get divorced. Three months after that actually happened we separated and divorced shortly after. We are best friends now and joke about hockey breaking us up all the time on Twitter.

I have no doubt that if the man who murdered my cousin hadn't also killed himself, my uncle would have done the same thing.

I strongly considered this one and only didn’t pick it because I wasn’t alive to experience it. I had plenty of fucking grandparents to remind me of it all the time growing up.

2004-05 Illinois basketball. Still the hardest sporting loss of my life.

My ex-wife chased down a thief at her Gamestop years ago. He ran out with a tablet and she ran out after him, grabbed his coat, and lost him when he shed it off while running. Luckily for her the dumbass put it on Craigslist within the hour and we sent the cops to go get him.

My only qualm with Kenny is his insistence on saying, “and team x has iced the puck” the exact same fucking way every time there is icing. For some unknown reason it bugs the ever-living shit out of me.

Jesus Christ, reading this just makes me think of “The Hunting Ground.” Will this shit ever change????

To be fair, at some of the watch parties for the Lightning I have been to, they turn down the volume during commercials and do giveaways and have an emcee (usually the guy who does it in the stadium) hype the crowd and stuff. No one is watching the commercials there. This might have changed but I know they did this

As a non-Lightning fan who lived in the Tampa area for the last ten years, those watch parties are always fun. The ones at Channelside right down the road are great too. The fan base for this team is quite rabid and love coming together to cheer their team. Their stadium always has a lot of visiting fans due to the