+1 Lem grenade explosions!
I know, it is almost as if the public perception of their league is more important than someone with obvious addiction issues or domestic violence victims. Such standup gentleman.
I’m so sick of hearing about the fucking shield. It is a goddamn sports league not a covert military group.
When I saw him do that I lost my shit. I have no allegiance to the Jays at all (except for living a half mile from their spring training complex), but that made me a Bautista fan for life.
Good. That is all.
Yup, I either go to a family member or a bar.
Yeah if you are a hardcore hockey fan (like me) you have no use for ESPN. Hell, even ESPN radio ignores hockey. It is as if the sport doesn't exist.
When I moved in September I decided to try life without cable. I subscribe to NHL.tv and go to friends when there is a game on I want to watch. I haven't watched a minute of ESPN in six months and I don't miss it one bit.
I know. I have always found her beautiful as hell.
This woman has been my major Hollywood crush for 20+ years and I feel so fucking dirty for it. Goddammit.
I’m so glad I no longer work for this stupid fucking company.
You know, I never thought of it like that. Now I am going to go reread it. Thank you.
I have had a close family member murdered, another killed by an ied in Afghanistan, and another take his own life in a very rash, split second decision. I wish some members of my own family had heeded words like these. It is amazing sometimes how much a tragedy can tear a family apart rather than bring it together. I…
These are the stories I love. My dad has been battling cancer for 8 years. It will eventually kill him but luckily there have been trial medications keeping him alive. He could have one year, he could have ten. This game was on my “to buy” list and this story pushed it to the top. Thanks for sharing this story.
I recently reconnected with an ex of mine after my divorce. I am moving back to her area and contacted her because we were close friends that had grown apart (my ex-wife hated her, but she was a very jealous person). When we started talking again she was in a relationship that then abruptly ended. When I was visiting…
It is quite the amazing trip of a book. I highly recommend it.
He likes “The Room”? No matter what you have found a good man.
Bullshit. Bettman is not even close to Goodell. Both are terrible but I will take Bettman’s idiocy over Goodell’s super villainy any day.