
Firefox 4 beta 4. Beta 5 and beta 6 refuse to work for me for some reason.

No. The fact that I can do so much with my phone, I wouldn't want to give it up at all.

If my favourite extensions and features were in it, maybe I'd consider it, but as it is now Firefox and Chrome is just a lot better, both in terms of the extensions and their UIs.

If they somehow manage to somehow create a superphone that doesn't suck, has a highly polished OS like iOS or WP7*, and it's not pig ugly, I might consider it. However, as Nokia is right now, the answer is...hell no!

My brain. For when my parent's brains fail. Because, alas, I do not own a car.

I love it. But, like most of the world, I use the search bar in Firefox so it's not THAT relevant to me.

It seems fairly good so far for me, and seems to detect the emails that I would class as "important".

Why are pilots so awesome?

My dad's Mercedes isn't fancy enough for this to work. Oh well. Back to Need for Speed for me too. :(

Stock Firefox. I open stuff. If I have too many tabs open, I find stuff to close. Sounds simple, and it is, and it works for me. :)

I share my location (including my home location, which I probably shouldn't) on Twitter but I don't really bother with stuff like FourSquare or Gowalla. However, I probably will start to using Facebook Places when it's available in the UK.

I, for one, am actually looking forward to this upgrade. Maybe it's just me, but most of the time I can rarely hear what the hell people are saying, due to how compressed it is.


I get 6Mbit on my line, which is advertised as "up to 24Mbit". DSL connection with Be* in the UK.

Is it bad that I'm almost 19 and really want this? It looks like quite an awesome set. The problem is, it'll be expensive, and I'm probably going to end up buying it and then only building it once. Hm.

I went to play LittleBigPlanet the other day, after having not played it for a few months. It finally updated after an hour and.....then I went out.

This has given me an uncontrollable fit of giggles. Thanks, Giz.

It's so pretty and glowey and awesome. In fact, it's pretty damn amazing to think that pretty much everything that's alive on earth is thanks to that ball of life. :)

VOTE: RunKeeper

MythBusters is the one show that I refuse to miss and recommend to everyone I know. It's a show that can be watched by young people, old people, boys, girls...really, it caters to everyone and the MythBusters team makes it work extremely well. And 7 more years? Oh hell yeah!