I'm going to be "that linux guy"
I'm going to be "that linux guy"
@Jesse Astle: Gentlmen, I suggest you beam me aboard. BEST TOS EPISODE EVAR!
@PixellatedViscera: whatever
@speraider430: No, that was Sir Tim Berners-Lee. August 6, 1991. A date that will live in, well, something.
goddammit japan...
@WilliamTheFifth: Why is my text in a red box?
I want that keyboard. and iPod dock. and Mouse. and that chick from the trailer sitting on the couch. and the couch.
@FritzLaurel: Yes, but the legs that are holding it up aren't underneath it wher eyou would expect them to be, so when you first look at it, it appears to be floating. key would there is "appears"
@hostile-17: THE THING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING PICTURE. It is not touching the ground. It is being supported by two struts that are bolted to its side.
@hostile-17: the legs aren't underneath it, their bolted next to it, so it appears to be floating
In other news from 1962-1963:
@valkilmerisawful: Mind = Blown
I have a plan...
This was playing at Flynn's on 6th Street during Comic Con
this should work. It's Redlettermedia's review of Episode 1. if it doesn't work, here is the URL for the playlist on the youtubes.
@FriarNurgle: DO NOT GOOGLE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@John H. Meyer: dude, you just described every iphone that isn't fourth gen...