William Randall

Agreed. I could see myself listening to certain books. Just not this series. And considering the idiots on my ride to/from work, I never really have a chance to concentrate.

I saw this recommendation multiple times (and I thank you for it). But my commute is basically an obstacle course. Even when I listen to podcasts I end up having to rewind. An audiobook would be more of a pain. If it was a straight run I would agree.

Judging from what I’ve seen & heard, this appears to be a rather valid criticism. Which is fine. They’re definitely going to ruin something.

I drive from Staten Island to bumblefuck Queens everyday, and my job’s distance from the nearest transportation hub makes it unwise to do anything but drive. The routes available to me during rush hour are all awful. So I pick the best one and go.

I’ve actually debated this. I tried a non-ASOIAF book and couldn’t really concentrate. My commute isn’t a straight run, I’m always on guard (trailers, bikers, lane-cutters, NYC fun). If I’m listening to a podcast, even, I find myself rewinding several times. And that’s less important than a book (in a series where you

There are going to be instances where they downplay the mysticism and ‘ugliness’ so as not to saturate a somewhat casual audience. And there will be cases (MVS) where a serious, well thought of actor is hired in place of the unknown. That’s just part of the transition to the screen.

All fair.

I figured someone would take issue with that. It was more of a dig at myself (hence the ‘God willing’). I’m well aware that everyone else (readers, non-readers, etc) drinks & bangs. To the point - I never have a chance to read recreationally (sp?) anymore, despite having been an avid reader in a different life.

That’s a fair & reasonable position(s) to have. It’s just been my experience to the contrary that fueled the original post. I do think that the ‘stripping’ of characters is a natural occurrence when you have roughly 8-9 hours of show per season. Otherwise, they’d be better off not doing the show at all.

I do think the sudden loss of control, or knowledge, has made this a bit unbearable for ardent book readers. Prior to the Red Wedding, their glee for what was coming was only outweighed by their glee that we had no idea. And then they gauged everyone’s reactions with a bizarre “I knew you’d be shocked.” Well yea, a

I’m going to try and be polite here, but while I always smirked at the elitist attitude of the book readers, their constant dickering over the show’s divergence from the books and rogue consolidation of certain characters & story-lines is just tiring at this point. Screen adaptations of beloved novels, specifically

This is the most violently polite withdrawal I’ve seen at any sporting event. I don’t even like tennis, but I like this dude.

So how much hate mail/dead letters have you been getting for this? Considering Baseball’s Best Fans are also America’s Worst People, I’m imagining the mailboxes are overflowing.

You can probably keep Tom Coughlin as a “Fire this Asshole” emeritus until he croaks. The man took an interview in Philly just to tell them for three hours that John Mara’s got a new side piece, and he’s still working out in the Giants’ gym. I’m pretty sure part of the agreement when he left was that he got to live in

I don’t blame people for voting to keep their favorite team in town. I normally condemn government intervention into legitimate business ventures (this would be, on its face, legit if the voters decide it as such). But it amounts to ransoming a city’s residents. Sports are weird. You will neglect your (your family’s,

Your kinja handle.

Apologies, Marchman, but Steven B. spit some solid hate your way. It was oddly fluid & coherent. I expected that to go off the rails early.

I thought I could handle this, but instead I have to change my underpants.

So either we kill the environment, kill ourselves, or eschew sanitary practices so we stay lathered in our own filth. In any case we’re fucked, so who cares.

I apologize for rejecting utopian comments.