William Knickers

Worton was charged with two counts of indecent assault and battery on a person age 14 and over, and one count of assault and battery.

This post brings back fond Philadelphia memories of snowdays. As kids, my friends and I would play tackle in the street for hours. Too tired to play anymore, we’d all head home caked in snow.

No matter how much Deadspin tries to force the issue, Soccer will still suck.

Even Kobe’s jersey takes questionable 3's.

Curry’s rank is boosted by strong numbers in India.

If you think that’s ferocious, wait until you see Jason Whitlock dunk the nuggets.

Old East Coast-ers?

Well there’s an officer who’s never stepping out of his patrol car again.

Please stop Deadspin. This perfectly shows why soccer completely sucks. If you give the best players of any other sport a free shot, they’ll bury it every time. Why doesn’t this happen all the time? And, more importantly, why should it be impressive?

Ugh...by the look of things, I hope the Deadspin staff has those Shaq obit longforms ready.

Oof that’s a good one. I have self-plagiarized twice. Once, I submitted a story I wrote for Creative Writing 101 as my final piece for Creative Writing 201, which basically sharts directly in the face of concepts like learning and academia. Then for my Electronic Music elective, I submitted a song I’d recorded with my

Cris Carter: You like to get wet?

Always happy to call bullshit on a stolen joke.

He stole that word-for-word from Stephen Colbert in America (The Book), page 39.

I get the sentiment of it sucking to lose your team, but in the case of St. Louis isn’t this basically just like being pissed at your wife for cheating on you, when she cheated on her first husband with you to begin with?

You’re right. It’s nice that something finally broke that professional football player’s way.

Blair Walsh Lived A Kicker’s Nightmare

For some reason I don’t feel like blaming the loss on the only guy who scored points for his team yesterday.