William Hawbold

The gates of hell opened up and farted..or heaven...either way..it was intense.

No "In Soviet Russia.." yet??...

They are canadian-ans though.

Never heard of those two,but I have heard of his brother, Mike.

Are those the AEV brand rims on the Jeep? Those can fetch decent prices.

I don't get how Ford contributing to their pension/retirement fund is a bad thing?

to this guy in the video,any publicity=fame for him.


and that's why you got h-clicked.

Here's a radical idea. GO THE FUCKING SPEED LIMIT.

That's why I prefer RWD in all situations.

How long before this is worth some serious coin?

Well it looks like we have a potential buyer of such an amenity.


So wait..we plebs now ...WAIT..I meant iPlebs now have access to the same software that Apple has been using to track us without our knowledge? Amazing!

I can do the same thing with Microsoft and my xbox 360 that just died. OOW and it red ringed on me (because I took it apart to replace the generic paste with some spiffy arctic silver ceramique) I know..preventative maintenance that ends up breaking a machine..how odd (and definite 1st world problem)

Finally a camaro you can see out the back of.

"Who the hell's John Wayne?"

How many quarters to the mile? If it's cheaper than $4.18 a gallon for dino juice up here in my part of Alaska,I'll take one.

Where have I seen dat ass before???