William Hawbold

I didn't know intheface took his webcam with him...

Because the advertising dollar dictates what gets shown (such as the puke yellow coloring and "Sponsored by.."..it doesn't faze me that Jalopnik would posting a story like this.

The irony is "yank_boffin" is the person who submitted the story.

reminds me of that internet quote about HK Firearms "because you suck.And we hate you"

FUCK THAT..ITS ALMOST $4 A GOD DAMNED GALLON up here in Alaska. WE MAKE THE FUCKING STUFF not 30 miles away from my house..it's sad that I'm paying $3.91 a Gallon for the 87 Octane rating.

That's hot

not all lesbians like Sarah McLachlan.

because race car?

If the engine falls out of that Honda,V-TEC JUST KICKED IN YO

1.rename it the Jalopnik Waaabulance.

Nick Denton is SO gonna sue you for stealing his idea.

Maybe Gawker Media could sell their latest "re-design" to BoA...'cause we all know you can't do shit all with this new crap.



Is there anyone out there doing these kinds of mods for the camaro?

1993 Ford E-150

that was my first thought as well.

@Kimrod: winamp? what is this? 1999?

@crd22: I prefer Last.fm