William Hawbold


@TroyQueef: I had commented on just that..that stupid link drug me over to jezebel..

It can only go up in value.


Does it include footage of a Moon Rover getting run into by Bumblebee?

@CaptMorgan74: but not Silent Turn and Wrong Hill..those scarred me for life..I ain't going to WV now..

Why the deuce was this posted on Jalopnik?

@Skunky: isn't that from the last Ghost Recon game?

@tim rogers: They could call it the iGaming Pad..or just shorten it to iPad..

@PipeSmokingVolvoDriver: because we get enough grief from other drivers about getting stuck with a minivan.

@bbrewer: indeed..same here.

@burlybax: at least it's not the narrator for Victoria's Secret..because nothing says secret better than a push up bra and a announcer speaking in a fake british accent while whispering..

@IfOnlyIHadTheMoney: and all the black celebrities pimp out their rides and donk them out...

@burlybax: Maybe she's born with it?

@lilwillie: what completes this setup,is the fact that the username is lilwillie..