William Ham

Not unless you look at it in an "oh, how the mighty have fallen (down a manhole and died)" sort of way.  Apart from the weak, hackneyed jokes throughout, Brooks even appeared to have lost his sense of pacing and timing, which were the things that made even the least of his pictures before this at least watchable.  And

Whaaaat?  Look, I can see why you mightn't consider him funny, but in no fucking wise was he a hack.  That is, unless you simply don't know what the term means.  Please note that Bruce is cited as the very opposite of said term here: 

Whaaaat?  Look, I can see why you mightn't consider him funny, but in no fucking wise was he a hack.  That is, unless you simply don't know what the term means.  Please note that Bruce is cited as the very opposite of said term here: 

And to that, I would further add "My Factory, Myself" (where they parodied at least four movies at once in under ten minutes, a true accomplishment).  And "Gimme Jackie."  And "Maudlin's Eleven." And…

And to that, I would further add "My Factory, Myself" (where they parodied at least four movies at once in under ten minutes, a true accomplishment).  And "Gimme Jackie."  And "Maudlin's Eleven." And…

I agree wholeheartedly with all of the above - SCTV was peerless when it came to parody - but their crowning achievement in my book, just for the obscurity of the source material and their ability to take something self-parodic at birth and still make it even more ridiculous, was "The Nobel."  THEY FUCKING PARODIED

I agree wholeheartedly with all of the above - SCTV was peerless when it came to parody - but their crowning achievement in my book, just for the obscurity of the source material and their ability to take something self-parodic at birth and still make it even more ridiculous, was "The Nobel."  THEY FUCKING PARODIED

How many syllables, Mario?

How many syllables, Mario?

The DVD includes a freeze-frame gag they filmed for a potential POLICE SQUAD! movie (which would have been just several of the episodes strung together with new linking material).  I can't even begin to describe it, but it's pretty fucking epic - I think it runs about three or four minutes, for starters.  Not on

The DVD includes a freeze-frame gag they filmed for a potential POLICE SQUAD! movie (which would have been just several of the episodes strung together with new linking material).  I can't even begin to describe it, but it's pretty fucking epic - I think it runs about three or four minutes, for starters.  Not on

Thing is, I actually agree with you - I think AIRPLANE! and POLICE SQUAD! work as few of its spoofy ilk do because they play it straight; I'm as big a fan of parody working best when it's done without a wink as anyone.  And the first NAKED GUN movie tries to have it both ways, which would irritate me (much like the

Thing is, I actually agree with you - I think AIRPLANE! and POLICE SQUAD! work as few of its spoofy ilk do because they play it straight; I'm as big a fan of parody working best when it's done without a wink as anyone.  And the first NAKED GUN movie tries to have it both ways, which would irritate me (much like the

That's just nutty talk.  The second and third were serious victims of Diminishing Returns Syndrome, but the first one rivals AIRPLANE! for back-to-front hilarity.  (It isn't played as straight as the series, I'll give you that.)

That's just nutty talk.  The second and third were serious victims of Diminishing Returns Syndrome, but the first one rivals AIRPLANE! for back-to-front hilarity.  (It isn't played as straight as the series, I'll give you that.)

'Tis true.  He did it as a favor to his close friend Tino Insana, who was on the POLICE SQUAD! writing staff.  Probably a good thing they didn't use it in the debut episode, which (if memory serves) aired the day before Belushi died.

'Tis true.  He did it as a favor to his close friend Tino Insana, who was on the POLICE SQUAD! writing staff.  Probably a good thing they didn't use it in the debut episode, which (if memory serves) aired the day before Belushi died.

Same here, on both counts.  It pains me a little to say this, but I'll take his books (and his speaking engagements) over any of the movies he's made in the last fifteen years or so…