
I'm sorry, but after looking over this gallery, #10 makes me think this whole thing is a game of "One of These Things Is Not Like the Others..." #photography

That would be my ideal daily driver. Except I'd probably paint it black, even though that white does have a certain appeal. #1967

You guys sure this really 30 Rock and it isn't from some kind of docu-drama about the collapse of GM? Because I'm not so sure... #pontiacaztec

I kept waiting for the three cars to start banging fenders Days of Thunder style at the end. #1979

An '04 GTO. #qotd


A Toyota that's cool? The end is here.

Civilian version or it didn't happen.

Sounds like parlor tricks to me.

GT5 is the reason I bought my new PS3 slim. Well, at least I'll have Arkham Asylum to keep me company until they finally decide to release this thing.

First rule of automotive advertising: Make sure that the background cars AREN'T cooler than the car you're advertising.

I admit, the thought of the pictured GNX sitting in a C4C scrapyard made me cry. But having toured several car lots and seen the C4C vehicles gathered around waiting for execution, I can say that only a very few were what I'd call salvageable. An early '90s Z71 and a late '80s S10 are the only two that come to mind.

And I thought the first-generation Insight was ugly.

Once again, I wish I had a real job and could afford to park one of these in my driveway. But no... thanks stupid economy!

So he'll just step up from ChryCo into a cushy position at the IRS. Isn't that how politics works these days?