
Looks like a sprint car to me. Find a dirt bullring and let's go racin!

I think at least some of the dealers in Nevada should have become licensed brothels. I mean, seriously, the signage was already there so it wouldn't have been that big a leap.

All this talk about Germans and domination makes me want to go fire up Call of Duty.

All gussied up like that, it reminds me so much of a Dodge Charger.

@FP - Activity resumes!: I always wondered whey we never saw more Don Knotts celebrity endorsement deals... if that's the best he can come up with, now I see why.

@mytdawg: Nice truck. Your story makes me wish I'd bought the '98 my uncle was trying to unload a few years back.

@leavethegun-takethecannoli: Where can I sign up for that program? I've got three degrees they can have... ain't none of them doing me a damn bit of good right now.

Wow. I'd have bet some serious money the car had already been crashed, crushed, and melted down into a Corolla by now.

This almost makes me want to buy a 360.

So how long until Fritz reminds the press that Bob says a lot of things but the CEO runs the show, and the Regal is dead and never coming back?

The front end screams Solara to me.

It looks like an art deco interpretation of the Batmobile. Therefore, I like it.

@dragon951: Orange you glad you clicked over there, then?

So they kill it rather than address the criticism and redesign it to be more appealing? I guess that's a win...

G8 GXP. 'nuff said.

So is the idealistic kid who wrote this thing actually getting paid for his "analysis" or is it more like a persuasion paper he wrote for his English 102 class?

That might work in Peoria, but I DARE them to park that thing in South Central for a couple of hours and see what happens.

Wait a minute. He's the freakin President of the United States. What did he ever do to deserve a NASCAR Sprint Cup car?