
So now that the IRL has crushed CART and there's only one open wheel series in the US and still nobody cares... now that Gene Simmons has insulted the intelligence of IndyCar's remaining fans... now that F1 is pissed off because of the track/tire conditions at Indy and cancelled their USGT... NOW the Hulman family

Maybe next week Fritz will confirm that GM has, indeed, filed for bankruptcy.

Even the lure of cheap gas wouldn't make me want to drive an Elantra. Genesis, maybe. Elantra, no.

@Jim-Bob: For the most part, what you just said about Detroit could be said about the whole of America right now. And that scares the shit out of me.


That Toyota needs to get its bumper off the Chevy's ass. Pronto.

IMO, three grand is too cheap of a price for a perfectly preserved example of why the American automobile industry fell so far.

@mytdawg: Well, since every other site I've been to this morning has had a picture of Michael Jackson on the front page, the jailbait blonde with bedroom eyes is a refreshing change of pace.

How cute, a woman driving a clown car.

Hmmm. This gimmick is just plain tacky. Now, if they'd offered a free Hummer with purchase of a date, that would be classy.

Brings a tear to my eye.

So if I tilt-shift my gut, it'll look magically smaller?

It's like I'm seeing Obama again for the first time. Only, you know, with wheels.

In related news, NASCAR announced today that it was hiring former FIA President Max Mosley...

My first thought: Gee, that's a nice Geely.

So are they going to ask the government to take away a half mil of Chrysler's bailout and give it to GM instead?