
That is the weirdest and yet most atheistically pleasing valve cover arrangement I've ever seen. And the engine layout in that picture makes the Mad Max car look exceptionally puny.

I had a college professor who drove one of these. He lived near my parents, and he always kept the car in his driveway under a car cover. Every spring, he'd take the car cover off, go out with a little three-legged wooden stool, and bondo up the rust holes. Then he'd spray rattle-can Krylon over the bondo and drive it

Taiwanese National Anthem, eh? That. Is. Effing. Brilliant.

Wait, wait, wait. Language barrier and all, maybe I'm missing something. So they roll these cars into a vertical wind tunnel, turn up the blast, and the ones whose doors, hoods, and hatch flap uncontrollably are deemed good, while the one with tight latches is instantly crushed? Makes no sense.

Good on ya, bud!

@Andrew Didorosi: Ahhhh, thank you very much. Vimeo + fullscreen option = happiness.

@Syrax: Oddly enough, that is the most entertaining thing I've seen today. Bravo!

@jodark: Sounds like you should be glad you don't have a star. Yeeeeeeesh.

@Andrew Didorosi: No, no. I'm sorry. I'll wait for the video to lag and repeat myself then.

I'm sorry. Could you guys make the video bigger? It's kind of hard to see.

Woooooooooohooooooooooooo! Jalopnik cred just went WAY up!

@SirNotAppearing: The Crossfire will end up as someone's personal project car hell. Maybe even a LeMons entry. Team James Dean? Nah, that's probably too tasteless. And it wouldn't work unless it was a Porsche. But somebody will be convinced that the damage will buff right out. I don't understand why the cameraman in

@Elhigh: Or make that annoying squealing noise.

@myfistofleas: *golf clap* Well played. COTD candidate, fo' sure. Plus a heart click. Well played indeed.