
@nick2ny: Hey, as long as they're really loans and not handouts, we're okay. I just like being needlessly dramatic.

@Syrax: Thank you!

@lilwillie: Remind me not to mess with you.

@ConnorW: You get a heart-click for your trouble, though.

@SpeedWagon: See? There's always a bright side!

@aSoundofSleep saw Roy Wort take the preview button!: Thanks man, and we'll all be looking for you Monday. Unless, of course, we see on the news where a rogue semi drove through a hotel in Covington. In that case, we'll have a Jalop memorial in your honor.

@bzr: Got Money? I don't either.: Yes, I agree! I've often come close to pulling the trigger on a black Stetson Catham to wear with my overcoat and/or suit on rainy/snowy days.