William Dhalgren

I thought this Yoda was spot-on ESB/ROTJ-era Yoda, but Vader is watered down. As much as I hate to say it, they'd probably be better off getting someone to imitate JEJ.

Totally agree. The knighting of Kanan was rad and his character has really grown on me. I thought using the Grand Inquisitor in this capacity, and not explaining why, was brilliant. So much of what I loved about Star Wars as a kid, and only realized later as an adult, was how little was explained. You were just left

Warms the heart to see that others caught the Enemy Mine comparison.

Really bad, not-believable technobabble coupled with ridiculously contrived exchanges between characters that are meant to sound really deep but that are just really stupid instead.

I thought it was a New Kid on the Block.

Well, that was a letdown.

My memory of the books isn't nearly as clear as yours. It's been years since I read the earlier ones. I'm rather surprised, though, how much I am enjoying the show.

You're right. That's too bad.

I'm really glad we haven't had to see the blood eagle on screen so far.

That's absolutely why I find British history so interesting.

I've already found this to be superior to Vikings.

I can't see them leaving out Ivar. There's just too much potential there for the filmmakers to omit him.

I love this series. I was reading one the other night when it occurred to me to Google to see if there was any talk of making a TV show. Imagine my delight when I saw that one had just started airing (I don't have cable). I bought the series on Amazon, and watched the first two last night. I've found myself shocked at

That's all well-said and I can find nothing to disagree with you on. Regarding Ready Player One, there are lots of reasons why I have so much disdain for this particular book, but I think just how hard and often it was sold to me is the biggest component. I went into it without any doubts that it would be wonderful

Totally agree.

Ready Player One is shit, but I'm not sure I get the steak=lit, candy bar=genre comparison.The idea that science fiction can't be literary (if that's what you mean) is pretty outdated. Never Let Me Go, Ghostwritten, Ubik, Dhalgren, and Stand on Zanzibar are all pretty meaty.