
That’s an awful lot of bolt-ons. And it still won’t be a 1M. 🤭

And ten years, it will be worth way less too

Not a good analogy. Uber is a tech company developing new tech. Questions should be asked but this article saying Uber has no business here is stupid.

Imagine if the Wright brother’s never strayed from bicycles...

A pedestrian is killed in NY every 3-4 days on average, but about 56 are hit and injured every day. Maybe not all jaywalkers get hit, but it happens.

6,000 pedestrians were killed in 2016 in the USA and the number is rising thanks to distracted drivers and pedestrians. The Uber accident was someone not crossing at a crosswalk. Unfortunate how this will be overblown.

Progress on autonomous vehicles will likely get set back, but on the flip side, how many pedestrians were hit yesterday by people driving their own cars?

Well hopefully they can find someone with experience in high power electric sports cars and hill climbs....I wonder if there is such a man?

I just LOVE watching videos that are posted to Instagram! I get to see the video in a pre-determined, small size with a ton of white wasted space around the page. I get to hear the audio at full volume with no choice but to revel in all the potentially ear-bleeding glory. I don’t get bothered by a progress bar /

Set aside the whole “is there / isn’t there” debate for a moment.

I’ll go ahead and keep the ball rolling (6'-4" here too):

Now you know how we feel.

Do stupid things, win stupid prizes.

I have no remorse for this criminal that assaulted a woman, almost ran over a good Samaritan while committing an illegal act. Fuck him and honestly, fuck you for trying to defend him.

This man tells you he didn’t roll back the odometer. Do you trust him? I do not trust him.

It exists to do a beautiful thing, therefore it is, itself, beautiful.

“This taxi test of the plane gives a good sense of just how huge UGLY this thing is.” 

People who steal electric cars should be charged with battery.

Filming it and putting it on TV IS helping the situation. What is the news crew supposed to do, set up a permanent vigil at the potholes? They’ve got to leave sometime, and more people will be getting flat tires. Better to document how crappy the situation is to force the city to actually do something about it. 

Considering it’s Warren, you’re basically asking a news crew to park their van there for weeks until the road is repaired.

So...they stood around watching while nineteen people in a not-so-high-income part of Detroit suffered triple-digit (if not more) losses to their private property instead of, oh, I don’t know, parking their fucking news van somewhere it fucking BLOCKED the fucking pot hole? Or lighting fucking flares? Or putting