
Get off the internet for a bit dude, not everyone is out to “own” you - my comment was made in jest, lighten up. Yet another reason for me to believe you’re a hoot at parties :)

You must be fun at parties.

Her arms are too big </sarcasm>

Agreed, but I’ll judge based on the content, especially with Remedy. Let’s not forget that “gruff army dude with assault rifles” gave us the excellent experience that was Spec Ops: The Line.

LOL, so people who use the OK hand sign are nazi apologists? I lean left on pretty much any issue, but y’all are going nuckin’ futz over some of this - it’s exactly why we’re gonna get four more years of the orange idiot.

I crai evry tiem.

“boredom is part of survival”
Oof, not a great line when you’re trying to sell a video game.

Was it? I admit I wasn’t completely hyped for it, but outside of “peak Kojima”, I didn’t hear anything about what the hell Death Stranding actually WAS or how it played - I felt like that was deliberate.

“I’m glad this game exists, but it’s not for me. Especially not right now. As soon as it told me I had to soothe a crying baby, I turned it off.”

Dark Souls was weird for me. It took a while for me to “get it”, but once I did I didn’t feel any slog for any other game in that style. 

I’m 6'4", fuck those seats, I don’t want my ass in it anymore, I’m going to stand up, take up no more horizontal space than I was standing up, and y’all can mind ya own damn business. For those that stand up, try to grab all their bags and rush out before their row is exiting... sit the fuck down.

He’s 17. This hasn’t destroyed his life. He has plenty of time, and the base of his talents wasn’t “I play Fortnite for fun better than everyone else.”

What if you’re on a conference call and you bring the ghost in the call with you? Does everyone die?

IA is a blast - to piggy back on @Xerosch. The only downside is if you use the app it’s a completely separate campaign. It’s no less exciting and fun to play, but it is a bit shorter than the base campaign, and the app currently has no option to run through the base campaign (the app DOES have two expansion campaigns

It hits all the horror subgenres in spectacular fashion - it’s most effective being that kind of deep, psychological thriller. You have some great whodunnit type of mystery tones, over-the-top, kind of campy body horror (but effective), and it all ends with a “wait, did we win?” type of ending. Absolutely my favorite

Dude, use the monkey on the valve, it’s not that hard, and makes perfect sense :)

You don’t call retarded people retards. You call your friends retards, when they’re acting retarded.

Any changes to how multiplayer works? It was kind of a bummer for me. Was interested in playing through this game with friends, but you had to (by our understanding) play through the missions once solo to “unlock” the cutscenes. Was basically a nonstarter for us.

When I was younger (second / third grade?), I really wanted macaroni and cheese one day. We didn’t have any butter, but I found butter-flavored Crisco... I got a few bites into it before I realized it probably wasn’t the same thing.

Oh god, reminds me of Roy Moore’s wife...