
Meh, I have something better to do that day anyway.

I’ve only played with 4 total, our longest game took us 6 hours and we ultimately fell to Shub Niggurath. Like you alluded to, no matter how much you strategize, the game will ultimately be in the driver’s seat, so it tends to be less “strategy” for our group and more “let’s go for a ride.”

Oh stop, public shaming isn’t going to kill her.

Actually, he was arrested for that moustache.

No, stop. Kids may believe anything they want to, but unless something changes, and unless they’re born with a silver spoon in their mouth or are able to afford a Yale or Harvard (which, given the current rate, NOBODY but the elite of the elite will be able to), then no, they can’t be president. They’ll realize that,

Psh, whatever. Homeboy went and gave a speech to American University. Talk about hostile territory.

As a Bernie supporter, I don’t consider myself a Democrat. I don’t give a shit if people have a negative view of the party - shit, I have a negative view of the party.

Fuck that, I’m tired of voting between a shit sandwich and a giant douche. If it’s down to HRC vs Anything-The-Republicans-Can-Put Together-From-the-Muck-that-Vaguely-Resembles-A-Human, I’ll just stay home. If Drumpf is elected, homeboy’s gonna get about as much done as Bernie would, I ain’t worried.

Got to 1.) under Bernie cons before I realized you’re full of BS. Dude’s been elected / re-elected 14 times to HRC’s.... two.

Wow, I’m usually a lurker here, but Anna Day deserves all the praise.

As a Star Wars fan, the training mission with the speeder bikes was cool enough. They nailed the feel (outside of the terrible voice actors, but really how do you replace the original cast?) and I’m finding it pretty fun to play.

And yet they popularized and basically made mandatory an unlock-based progression system in modern multiplayer shooters. Blech.

Fantastic writer, keep being you, always looked forward to reading your stuff.

That Stockholm Syndrome is a bitch :)

How much of the stuff that’s now “worth it” locked behind a paywall? I haven’t bought any DLC, opting for the “I’m gonna wait and see how it turns out” and was okay with not purchasing any of it, but it sounds like they’ve added a bunch of stuff.

This might be the first time I’ve heard a developer say scope creep is a good thing. It is decidedly not a good thing if you want to deliver a finished product. People slam this industry for getting too business-y, and for the most part I agree, but this situation right here is EXACTLY why those roles can be important.

No, Bad Blood is a Taylor Swift song.

Shadowrun! Yes... the shooter. Shut up, I like it!

I don’t think Last of Us was FUN, necessarily. It was an amazing game with some truly remarkable experiences, but I only played through it once. It was emotionally and physically draining.

Ugh, no voice chat and (late?) party system is a dealbreaker for me.