
Actually seriously looking at a Surface tablet now. Was kind of holding off because I didn't want to get one and have to deal with an OS upgrade later, but if it's free...

This punishment should be akin to arson, it has near the same effect. A business is unable to function for x amount of time because of their actions. Toss 'em in jail.

This guy... you watching the same video?

Duuuude, loved Max Payne. Easily one of the greatest that year. Everything was so polished. The technical graphics, controls, MUSIC - THE MUSIC, MAN! Great, everything about it was great - minus the MP, which I thought was "eh" at best.

I've had bad luck with Western Digital drives.

My mother, sister-in-law, and wife had no idea what that was. My brother, dad, and I all sat around like "Well I'M not saying anything."

Also, while the game should be allowed to exist, the fact that SO MANY PEOPLE are THIS excited to play it... yeesh, me thinks they would not get along with me (or anyone for that matter).

Hmm, I don't know, I mean if you get down to it, it's similar to a game like Postal, and if Postal can exist on Steam, then so should Hatred. But dang, I mean, just watch the trailer. Does it FEEL the same as Postal? No, it feels like the manifesto of some latchkey kid with access to his daddy's guns and a serious

Additionally, just who the heck is that one robot lady who "didn't have time to explain why she didn't have time to explain"... about... something...?

Bah, Blood Gulch has got to be one of the worst maps ever. It's too big.

Doom II - The Greatest Game EVER Made.

This was my first thought. I remember some robot lady telling me that she didn't have time to explain why she didn't have to explain about something... Destiny's story is bad.

Bleh, get out. The game that is now largely described by Association Football was called Soccer a good 18 years before it was generally referred to as "football". Football was a generic term for games played "on foot", when most sports were played on horseback (polo). If you want to get technical about the term

It was called "soccer" before it was called "football."

Not if we go after and prosecute people who do this to the fullest extent of the law. This should be akin to setting fire to a retail store, it does the same thing, it shuts the place down for an amount of time. No sympathy whatsoever for people who do this shit.

Bah, I'm playing a game, I don't want to work. I do that for 8+ hours a day already.

Title is misleading. Should be "Bungie creates mediocre game, doesn't get bonus. Move along." ...I'm not a writer.

Who the heck pronounces it "eff-ay-cue"? It's FAQ, as in "fack"

Bah, the hair?!?! BEST hair?!?! Unless something has changed from the beta, all except for one or two per class makes your character look like a moody hipster douche.