Formally showing off some VR headset? I'd be down for it.
Formally showing off some VR headset? I'd be down for it.
Been saying this for months now.
It depends what you consider useless. Most forms of martial arts provide a very engaging way to get some exercise, and if that's what your going for, who's to say it's useless?
BAAAAAH, now I'm super pissed MS reversed their DRM policies. I was saying this was a possibility from the beginning (the idea that other digital storefronts could open). It's only a matter of time before they release a storefront for XBone games.
The point is that the Kinect does the processing, not the XBox.
Maybe, but on PS4 you'd still have to use that piss-poor controller for an FPS.
As someone who doesn't play this game, you're right. I think that's why it's so hard for nonplayers to watch SC e-sports events. Most of the time I try I'm just like "........wut?" Same goes for LoL and other MOBAs.
Some comedians rail on people. That's what they do. Can someone answer me why transgenders should be excluded from the group?
I lol'ed
Hmm, but Valve did it with Steam, they turned out just fine.
That has been routinely shot down by people at MS. However the family plan sharing worked, your family members could have unlimited access to your game library.
Eff that, I'll keep bitching, because as usual, consoles won't catch on for years.
As I get older, I realize more and more everyday that while I still have a passion for video games, I'm NOT one of the core crowd. You guys will continue to be just fine, and the numbers of that crowd are not decreasing, for every person like me that drifts away, a younger person just getting into the culture as a…
holy crap, 2002, really? shoot man, i'm old
No, screw that, I like this planet! I want THEM to go somewhere else!
They improved the triggers (honestly, how the hell the DS3 got past quality inspection is beyond me, those triggers are terrible). Fix those joysticks and we'll talk. MS has learned to take good things from PS, Sony needs to learn that the XBox controller is king - coming from someone who uses both, though wishes he…
But you have to use that controller... *shudder*
Blah, I don't care about the Vita, and if the sales numbers are anything to believe, I'm not alone in that respect. Why the hell do I want a dedicated portable game device?
Because you can't get the Steam store RIGHT THIS INSTANT?