“If the women don’t find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.”
“If the women don’t find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.”
They actually did, and they were all fairly angry that they were out of apparently a well paying job to please the PC police.
You have no idea what you are talking about. While the most common type of vehicle detectors technically operate based on electromagnetic principles, they are not magnetic sensors. What you are referring to, but clearly do not actually understand, are INDUCTIVE loops. An electric current is run through wire loops…
At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy nut, how do we know that there is not price collusion (unintentional or otherwise) in the electronic era where every dealer has access to what the others are asking? It sounds like nobody really knows and it’s more about putting up a price that is similar to others so the…
I’m going to get philosophical here and suggest that there isn’t one specific part that is most important to learn how to fix. The most important part to fix on your vehicle is yourself and your attitude. If you were never taught to mend your own vehicle, it can be an intimidating prospect, and breaking that mindset…
Engineer: The product just isn’t ready for market yet.
I am sure the brake lines “look” good, but why not spend the extra $50-$100 and replace them all? If you are flushing the brakes anyway you are already halfway done. The problem with brake lines is they can fail from the inside out so looking at them doesn’t really tell the full story.
Extremely well said aramid. That amount of leaks in such a huge system is trivial.Accusing the designers of hubris is silly.
Also i see that Michael is making a big deal about the creeks and streams being covered- as though that would add to the flooding somehow.It doesnt work like that.Once a place like Manhattan …
I’m actually stunned that the amount is that small. I mean, 13 million gallons sounds like a huge amount of water on the face of things - if you’re trying to visualize it, that’s 20 Olympic swimming pools. But that’s not how we normally encounter water, and once you have it flowing in pipes for 24 hours a day you can…
Cool! Hell, I’M interested in how this goes too! LOL
You flushed your hamster down the toilet?
Just smash the C-pillar and be done with it
Many will be tempted to get caught up in the critique (pos or neg) of life choices, but really, the underlying message here is how much it uplifts the spirit when people act selflessly towards another. We all need to know someone cares about us in the world.
The builders arent building the units that are needed. They are building the units that pay them the most money. This isnt that complicated. They could build ten times the number needed and it wont do a damn thing.
If aluminum made it lighter and more efficient, then yes it makes a difference to me. As it stands, a V6 EcoBoost F-150 with lightweight aluminum is no more efficient than a heavy steel Silverado with Chevy’s annoyingly efficient small block V8. At that point, I’m shopping for the better deal (and will probably end…
I’m very excited for the day when our generation is spending six figures on, like, a “third off the line” Honda Prelude SH at auction.
If you’re working a low wage McJob from your teens until retirement age, you’re doing it wrong. Learn a skill, a trade, hell go back to school if you have to. There’s millions of trade jobs unfilled right now because there aren’t people qualified to fill them. So... get qualified, folks. But complaining that someone…