
Look I’m no fan of Uber, the few rides I’ve taken in an Uber have been terrible and the drivers got lost, but they and other ride sharing companies have been hailed as champions for “Breaking the Monopoly of Cab companies and protectionist government policies” is under fire for not acting like a cab company? That’s

I think he is a more brilliant marketeer than physicist is what I am trying to say. Many people buy into the marketing.

Actually one of the big issues is consumer mentality. A discount airline is meant to be treated like a flying bus. Just to take you to a destination and just carrying a backpack.

For the average person it’s really not that hard as you don’t need to eat in a perfectly optimal way to achieve the progress you want. It is the guy who is at 12% bodyfat that is trying to get down to 8% for a competition that really needs to have everything perfectly dialed in. The easiest way I have ever seen it

No, you’re absolutely right, that’s why the statistic about college graduates and income is kind of a red herring. That’s a completely old school way of thinking, that “college degree=more money.” At least in my case the college degree has lead to less money, more debt and greater stress. I blame only myself for my

The safety net could be stronger, but education is essentially free through high school and if you’re smart enough or work hard enough, so is college. Even more so if you’re getting a degree that’s in demand. I think too many people go to college just to go to college and aren’t really the academic type and don’t

A college degree doesn’t guarantee individual financial success, particularly with so many shitty degrees being offered. Colleges sell a lot of bad degrees that aren’t of any value, but if people are willing to buy them, they’re more than willing to meet demand. And they are.

Thanks for the warning. Can we move on now? Some of us didn’t like either of the candidates and just want this nightmarish election cycle to end. We get it, Trump is “literally Hitler” and a real poopy head, but you know what? I heard practically the same kinds of things from conservatives when Obama was elected.

So you’re fine with CORPORATIONS trying to MAKE MONEY?!?!?!
Get out of my Starbucks. I didn’t study art appreciation and feminine studies for 8 years to serve coffee to the likes of you.

I realize you’re likely of the younger generation but it would behoove you to understand how “deadbeat dad” laws came into effect. In Illinois, state guidelines can provide approximately 65% of your gross income to the lesser earning parent even if you have equal physical custody. It’s difficult to survive when you

Hydrogen under pressure, even when that pressure is released via a rupture, is much much safer than a Zeppelin. Current hydrogen designs have a ridiculously redundant series of safeties in place, and even if the tank gets punctured, you’re likely to get a burn at the source instead of a flame that spreads (another

More importantly, they slap 25% duties on our stuff and we don’t return the favor?

The Browns did share five follow-up emails that they received from people who attended the event, in which they thanked the organizers and expressed interest in staying in touch regarding possible job opportunities.

The media is at the root of this election shitshow. It was an asshole vs. a criminal, you can decide who is who. Now since there is a vacuum why not whip up a frenzy about what might happen instead of more reporting about why it went the way it did. People not living in metro areas are pissed. The big 800 lb. gorilla

You should also remember that even if he TRIES to roll back some of the social reform that has happened in the past 8 years, he will be blocked from doing so. He has already said(after the election) that he would NOT go after LGBT rights, and I highly doubt he will go after women’s rights. Now, kicking out illegal

When I meet an idiot at work, I feel bad about myself, because the company obviously has lower hiring standards than I would like to believe, leading me to question my own qualifications.

This was absolutely my first response. Also, “how in the hell am I going to look at my mom’s boyfriend, a 60 yo white male, blue collar worker through and through, knowing he voted for Trump, and not do something terrible?”

Last time Bill was a part of a historical sporting event, Daffy Duck was there. Guess what happened then? Yeah, earth was saved

I didnt watch the video.

“In order to attract Faraday Future, the State of Nevada voted in favor of offering the company $215 million in tax credits and $120 million in public financing for infrastructure improvements for the factory in North Las Vegas.”