
Same! But won’t it be a conflict of interest when President Michelle Obama appoints him in 2025?

“He pushed the repeal of DADT through (thanks Clintons!)“

Not to detract from your general point, but this is a really bad understanding of the nature of presidencies. In 1992 Bill Clinton directly campaigned on totally ending the ban on gays in the military, along with a universal health care plan. When universal

I’m a little surprised to find that it was ever covered by insurance.

Will that situation happen before or after the unicorns?

Someone REALLY hates Teslas.

It backed out because he pressed “Summon Reverse”. If he had pressed “Summon Forward”, I imagine the proximity sensors would have kept the car from crashing through the wall Kool-Aid Man style.

Oh, so you’re the one thinking of the children. Dude, even the Amish lose their kids in horse-related accidents sometimes. This is the most asinine Luddite hand-wringing possible for no reason other than hating on a company you’ll never have anything to do with.

Imagine this scenario: You wake up to a lovely day, get dressed, and walk into the kitchen to begin making a nice cup of espresso. Espresso creation is an art, and art cannot be rushed. As you masterfully grind the beans, you flick your wrist and hit “summon reverse” on your Remote S app and continue your morning

I think it’s obviously implied to be sucking his own dick.

Shut it down guys, we’re only a month in to 2016 and we already have the comment of the year

Is there a CliffsNotes regarding this post?

That's just like your opinion, man

This guy is going to be spending a decathalong time in jail.

I have much guilt for replying in this manner, but once the police put up the crime scene tape, the jig was up. He’d run through it, think he’d won and that’s that.

Agreed, he is wrong in his assumption that the pressure in the tyre is directly translated to the road, but not in the estimation of the pressure force the road would experience. Tyres are inflated to a pressure, but actually the tyres need to deform for forward traction to be available (look up traction and tyre

It is actually the minimum force the tire can apply to the panel. Here is where it gets ugly fast. Embed a rock in your tread, now you have a contact force concentration. A couple of years ago I did a big project on roofs where the solar panel was part of the roofing membrane. All it took was one asshole who

"I am sure a material could be used that matches the compressive strength of asphalt to protect the panels,"

No, a tyre with 0 pressure does not hold a car up, in that case the contact with rubber and rim holds the car up.

Because the tyre is containing the pressure. Think about it: if you pick up a tyre, it's not putting that much pressure on your hands, neither is it putting that much pressure on the air. The atmosphere at sea level is about 14.7 psi and the pressure inside the tyre is 35 psi.