Will Fry

Gizmodo articles written by Casey Chan. He writes like a 14 year old. He is extremely opinionated and generally uninformed. He is very biased against everything that is not New York or California.

Tennessee has had mail based options for as long as I can remember, Internet options are newer but still been around for a few years, and I have heard Kiosks have started popping up recently.

Literally, as I'm reading this and the comments, My step mom calls me from Warsaw Poland because she can't connect to her hotels wifi. I walked her through it. she claimed to have done everything I was telling her already. Magically it worked this time.

it is not a good comparison, by the time trains arrived in California and could deliver supplies across the transcontinental railway, California was already largely settled and had been a state for a couple decades.

that is Kansas and there is nothing else there.