
Automation isn’t killing jobs in manufacturing, its the shitty management at GM that is doing it. They can’t design a desirable car and so they are saying that cars are just bad. That is horseshit, just GM cars suck. Hyundai seems to be making just fine cars, so is BMW, and Mercedes, and Honda, and Toyota, and they

We just have to call bullshit on this one automation nonsense killing jobs at GM.

We should abolish the legal concept of marriage and leave the government out of your personal lives.

I haven’t seen Vice, so I can’t comment on that one. Blakkklansman was a feel good movie, but it was campy in ways that it shouldn’t have been. Telling off Eric Forman and calling him a racist was kinda dumb and undermined the film that would have been better had they took themselves more seriously. Bohemian Rhapsody

Sounds to me like you’re trying to fix stupid.

Forced Windows Updates are pretty much ALWAYS the issue these days.

Medicare is a State run program funded by block grants from the Federal Government. The States don’t have to do what the Fed tells them to, so they can cover whoever they want to cover.

This is nothing but the old guard lashing out at the new technology because their golden goose is taken ill. Theaters suck, they are extremely over priced, and they are still trying to milk MORE money out of consumers. The result is a much better experience watching a movie at home 75% of the time. This number is

Don’t forget to install the Windows 10 Decrapifyer that removes all the Microsoft Spyware from your machine and makes it somewhat barable.

Next article will be Millennials are Killing Garbage Disposals.

Everything has its flaws, but in the end the Cat Genie is by far the best box out there. It washes and dries the PLASTIC litter every time so it never smells and you never have to touch it.  It also has a motion sensor so it washes only when its been used.When your cats like it, they love it. My cat loves crapping in

Everything has its flaws, but in the end the Cat Genie is by far the best box out there. It washes and dries the

Its a BMW, the computer speeds up to make sure its fatal so they don’t suffer. Zee Germans think of everything.

You can get a new car payment, or you can just spend 5 or 6 grand and get a low mileage ranger that you will already know how to fix. Plus rangers never seem to die because there is are little electronics to break.

Then why did you? Its like complaining about the drunk asshole yelling at his girlfriend next to you at a bar. The internet is full of Assholes, get over it.

This all comes down to who donates more money to their congressional representatives. OK vegans, do your worst!

Any racing series that eliminates turning both directions to keep the racing in a tight circle so its view-able in one frame is extremely boring, until they crash. The race car is irrelevant, its the series, the rules, etc. I wasn’t saying that NASCAR wasn’t interesting, but the crashes are what makes it interesting,

That would be a styling blessing!  Maybe they could put the R engine into a coupe instead of that mini-van looking thing.

...to say that there is very little driver skill is a bit ignorant.

SUV is really a misnomer anyhow. This body style should all just be called “Tall Cars” “TALL STATION WAGONS AKA MINI VANS.” That’s all the owners want out of them. Well, and the badge of course.

I’m 10 minutes from that stadium and I have never heard of the Apollos.  Guess they won’t be getting a second season.