Isn’t the next Explorer going to be RWD again?
Isn’t the next Explorer going to be RWD again?
The dems couldn’t give the orangutan his little wall pittance so he is going to punish them in any way he can. He is ready to fight, right or wrong.
Trump is a germaphobe. He refused to shake hands until he ran for president. I find this hilarious.
Why is this even a little bit if a surprise? Rihanna is literally the 2nd best selling artist in the history of record sales. 265+ million sales. That is insane, and only second to the Beatles 272+ million. Think about that one, she will most likely surpass them with her next album. No one should even mention Beyonce…
Most people don’t comprehend basic civics and the 3 branches of government. They don’t understand that Federally Run Healthcare would be a direct violation of the constitution and the current system of Medicaid/Medicare is run by the 50 individual States. The reality is that most people can afford health care but…
You are arguing about free health care, and I am saying you will be given health care if you are in need. There are lots of free programs that are provided to those who really need it, but many don’t take advantage of them. That being said, if you get too far into medical debt you can declare bankruptcy. Unlike…
Hospitals are legally required to treat you if you go to one, they can’t turn away anyone in need.
This is nonsense. We can’t do a single medicare for all because there are 50 different versions of medicare as all medicare is run by the States. They get a block grant and general guidelines from the Federal Government, but the laws and implementation are 100% the state’s responsibility. Can we stop pretending that…
1) Go find some groups on meetup to play sports or something.
There is nothing worse than a woman who just settles for some random dude because she want’s to churn out some crotch goblins. Maybe that’s not the only way forward for people. Maybe they want to actually do all those things people lie about on their dating profile. Not everyone wants kids, life can be just as…
I don’t think it goes with any lineage. Its an M5 drivetrain and brakes stuffed into a one off halo car. Its pretty cool, but in no way does it share anything the Z cars that have always been based off the 3 series chassis.
The Z8 was definitely an M Car in every way. If you got the slushbox version from Alpina then you got a 4.4 liter V8 that was far from the M car it could have been.
Yeah, the deebot is better, a little quieter, and it has a larger bin which I find to be a nice touch, plus it was only $150.
Yeah, the deebot is better, a little quieter, and it has a larger bin which I find to be a nice touch, plus it was…
So everyone who isn’t a programmer will be shit-canned so the bosses can keep their bonuses.
There is absolutely nothing he could say that wouldn’t be heavily criticized by some hateful people. The guy hasn’t done anything assholish to anyone that I have seen, so Page is just looking for attention here. Leave the guy alone, if he wants to go to church, who cares? Why is it anyone’s business?
I wish my BMW stealership was anything like yours on any of those points.
Stupidity is a weakness.
They prey on the weak. That’s how car dealerships work, that’s why they want you to be there in person.
Once upon a time the top tax rate was 90%, but it only applied to rockafeller. Guess what, no one ever paid the actual rate because of all those tax loopholes. You could make the tax rate 100% and it would accomplish nothing as the rich would just buy tax loopholes from their buddies in congress.
So you prefer cash so you can cheat your taxes? This is wrong.