
PR won’t become a state for the same reason that we won’t let California divide into multiple states, it would cause political Armageddon in this country, and could lead to another war between the states.

He’s just mad because his sister is Jewish and his father likes her more.

Because you can’t remove the spotlight, or the lights for that matter. If you buy a surplus police vehicle, you do it to save money. Spending hundreds or thousands to remove equipment that doesn’t impair the way the car drives is just downright stupid.

I got a surplus police tahoe, lights and all. It was 8 grand less than the same exact tahoe at the local stealership.

First of all, you shouldn’t be so paranoid, most cops are good people.

Also, I think the new Z4 is beautiful. Not a huge fan of the nose or the tail (too 6-ish), but everything in the middle, including the rear quarters, is very pretty.

The whole concept of the Z4 line should be retired. They have been terribly ugly with no target market since they designed the first one in 2003. Its been a poor seller because no one wants one.

This is written by someone who only travels once or twice a year.  A road warrior would have completely different take on this.

This is written by someone who only travels once or twice a year.  A road warrior would have completely different

A 1 quart Ziploc is the best toiletry bag.

A 1 quart Ziploc is the best toiletry bag.

This trump obsession is backfiring on all the TV news channels. No one likes the oraguntain, but the fake rage on TV is making it unpleasant to watch. We have two choices, Fox news and the rendneck puff pieces; or MSNBC with the constant 24/7 TRUMP coverage.

If this isn’t as far out of context as possible.

What I can’t figure out is why they keep lumping Jordan Peterson into some alt-right ideology. He never espouses any ideology other than trying to be the best person you can be. If anything, he is a bit of a self help guru if you wanted to put him into a category.

At what point should we start restricting loans for majors that will never allow the students to pay back their loans? Should we have a conversation about putting students into massive debt without being honest about what their chosen major will compensate them?

Good luck trying to change the literature taught in high-schools. There is a mountain of teaching aids and lesson plans that are already designed and vetted. Teachers are over worked as it is, and its all they can do to get their students to pass standardized testing. Plus teachers are dealing with ever more

Can you post the direct REI links instead of the avantlink clicks so we can check out the sales like you do for Amazon? Avantlink is universally blacklisted as adware.

Can you post the direct REI links instead of the avantlink clicks so we can check out the sales like you do for

Cameo?  He should be the boss that is in a few episodes sitting behind a desk calling him a pussy.

The Church of Star Wars regards the whole Rain Johnson movie as blasphemy, and her only fault was being associated with that hack. There is even a petition to re-shoot the movie with a better director and script. It was that bad.

What about Korean tacos?  Are they tacos or just delicious?

500 lumens is about 1/7th of what you need to have a halfway decent experience.

500 lumens is about 1/7th of what you need to have a halfway decent experience.

Tipping is archaic and stupid. We should stop making diners do math and eliminate the ability of restaurants to underpay their staff.