
Glad you like your car.

Glad you like your car, but you don’t need to defend it. My point was only that Tesla has that cool car cache while we laugh at Prius drivers for being green wanna be losers and we look at people driving a Bolt and think they are blind or suffering from brain damage. Clearly Tesla has better marketing.

Apple makes dramatically more profit than other smart phone makers for the same, if not slightly inferior bits because they sell an image not cutting edge technology to people who don’t like to think for themselves. That is their target market, and they do that better than anyone else. Don’t knock Apple for creating a

Tesla is the Apple of Cars.

This isn’t even surprising. Walmart parking lots are over flowing with clueless people oblivious to the world around them.

Everyone agrees that our government spends far too much on the military. What we also need to agree is that other Nato members do not spend nearly enough on self defense.

That has to be the most hyperbolic statement that I have read this year.

No one likes the Orangutan, including me. However, when people act like he is the great satan or something and that rhetoric is easily dismissed because they sound like a zealot. It may sound good to you and your small crowd, but the orange one is winning over unions and middle America at a surprising rate. Kavanaugh

Kennedy has a lifetime appointment, there isn’t anything wrong with him weighing in on his replacement.

Clinton lied under oath, that was his only crime. You had better believe that they will do everything humanly possible to keep the orangutan from testifying under oath. He can lie all he wants as long as he isn’t under oath.

I hate that woman’s characters. Robin Wright is a uniquely heartless soulless monster in every one of her roles. I was so happy when she got killed off in Bladerunner 2049. She fucked over Wesley, then Forrest, then David Dunn, and now America. I hope she gets assassinated in the last season, because she is the female

I live next to Daytona, the races are still boring as hell.  Even more so these days with the stupid rule changes so the points don’t matter.  Even the people who like oval races don’t like NASCAR anymore.  All but 2 races are terribly boring to watch.  Go fast, turn left, wreck.

Americans only buy shitty SUVs and giant trucks. All the foreign automakers make them all here anyway. MB in Alabama, BMW in South Carolina, Toyota in Tennessee, etc. Our laws and regulations are all so bass ackwards that the cars we get here, like the Toyota Camry and Honda Accord, are made here and sold here

Go Fast, Turn Left is BORING.

Everyone here is outraged!

I think its probably because the oval styling makes people hate it. Kind of like the 996 headlights.

That’s nonsense. Hollywood isn’t going to pick anyone unknown to lead a 100 million + movie. To think otherwise is just nonsense.

They pick actors/actresses for box office draw, don’t pretend that its for anything else. Money, that’s all that matters to Hollywood.

All this Immigration stuff is for the Rust belt states. All this Tariff stuff is for the Rust belt states. This is what all those blue collar union guys want to see happening. This is right up their alley, jobs are way up since the orangutan came into office. The left is shifting even further to the left in response

Obviously they own a car, otherwise the driver’s license wouldn’t be an issue.